To get in touch with Herbal Gardens Wellness, follow these 4 steps:
1. Visit our websites: Go to the Herbal Gardens Wellness website by typing "Herbal Gardens Wellness," "NITCHI.ORG," or hgwELDERS.Org into your preferred search engine. Once on the website, you can find our contact information, including phone number and email address, or use a contact form.
2. Call or email Us: Use the provided phone number or email address to contact Herbal Gardens Wellness directly. Call the HIPPA-Protected Patient service line if you prefer to speak with someone over the phone. If you prefer written communication, send us an email with your inquiry.
3. Social media: Check our FB/HerbalGardensWellness page. Herbal Gardens Wellness uses social media to engage with our communities and provide updates. You can send us a direct message or leave a comment on our posts.
4. Our physical locations: All in-person patient visits and workshops require an invitation for you to visit their physical locations; solicitations of visits are not culturally appropriate. Clearances and releases required by laws covering healthcare will allow you to speak with their staff in person and get a better understanding of their products and services.
5. Patients: We ONLY accept patients by referral from verfied Native Operated Non Profit Organizations. Simply have your organization of choice directly contact us with your intake information or email your refferal to